Northern Tier Sports ReportThe Lady Lightning 12U team won the Rumble in the Rock Tournament title this past weekend.
They went 4-2 during the two days, winning four straight to get the title.
In their first game they lost 11-3 to Crimson Pride as Ivy Brown, Emma Bride, and Karmyn McPherson all scored runs.
They followed that up with a 12-3 loss to the Rochester Rattlers. Zoey Thetga went 2-for-2 as Madilyn Callear (1-for-2), Delaney Kendall (1-for-2), and Rhyann Kithcart all scored. Callear had seven strikeouts in the circle.
They bounced back with a 21-1 win over the USSA Pride Team. Bride, Callear, McPherson, Kendall, and Thetga all scored three times with Brown scoring twice.
Auriana Welch (1-for-2), Lily Bartholomew, Kithcart, and Addy Jankowsky also scored. Jankowsky struck out two in the win.
They went on to beat the Thunder 12U 14-4 as Bride (2-for-3) had a triple with two runs scored.
Thetga (3-for-3) had a home run, a double, and two runs scored, with Callear also getting a home run.
McPherson (1-for-2) scored three times with Jankowsky (2-for-2) also scored a run. Brown crossed home three times, with Kithcart and Kendall both scoring.
Jankowsky started and went three innings with two strikeouts. Kitchart went the final inning with two strikeouts.
They would go on to beat the LV Lightning Velasquez 12U 10-2 as Callear (3-for-3) scored a run. Thetga and Welch both went 2-for-3 with a run scored, as Bride had a double with a run scored.
Kendall and Brown each had a hit with two runs scored, while Kithcart scored twice. Bartholomew also scored as McPherson had a hit.
Kithcart got the win, striking out eight.
In the title game they beat Edge 12U 3-1 with Callear getting 14 strikeouts.
McPherson (1-for-2) had a double as Brown, Bride (1-for-3) and Kithcart all scored. Kendall and Welch both went 1-for-2.
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